Friday, March 4, 2005

gande phatte...for those not yet tormented by them


i know the minute you see this sonu you are gonna come and hit me...sorrrrrrrrrry
.........but for the loss of having anything else intersting enough i'm putting this...;-)

me n a friend realised that the mythological creature called unicorn should not be called a unicorn but a uni'horn'...........cause it has only one horn idiotically placed on its fore head..

so then as per tradition...and for those of you who have been exposed to the atrocity (thats what sonal would call it) of ganda phattas no explanations needed....and no points for guesssing whose brain was involved in this besides mine.

for those of you who havent...a gandda phatta is a dirty plank of wood...that hits you hard when some one else manages to pick it up before you do basically its a pun or a PJ........okay have fun!!

what is a cute unicorn in trouble called?
-sweet corn soup

what is a heart broken unicorn called?

what would you call a unicorn insulting another?

where do unicorns live?

what does the baby unicorn were to school?
-obviously.... uni'forn'

what is a timid unicorn called?
-think think............. 'puny'corn

what is the favorite frozen dessert of a unicorn?
-but of course, .....uni'cornetto'

what is a daddy unicorn called?
-kya yaar simplest....pop corn!!

what is the unicorn who was a budding photographer called?

a unicorn met his friend at a cafe with a pretty female..what did he say?
-hi..mmmmm...uni kaun?


what do call a herd of unicorns?
-very simple.....

multicorn....................... ............. ........ ......... .... ... . . .


  1. girl you should be glad that i am in bombay as i read this. i can't even beat anyone up here also... suffering i am.
    i posted as my brother by mistake

  2. sweetie will you ever post again?!

  3. you have no excuse anymore!!!

  4. please please please post the poem at least!!!
