Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Birds and Childhood Memories

Today I spotted a hoopoe birdie on campus. After years of having seen the bright black and white striped – orange headed bird the psychedelic patterns created by the flutter of its wings reminded me of my childhood days.

My Dad’s office has a really large lawn with lovely flower beds, that bloom into a riot of colours in spring. Purple yellow and pink pansies, hollyhocks, white and pink flocks, zinnias….oh and yes…Californian poppies my favorite!! I learnt all my flower names in this very lawn. In fact I learnt a lot on these lawns.

I learnt how to cycle, on my electric blue two wheeler with training wheels. When Dad used to get back from office at six, I used to shower and get nicely dressed and powdered tog o for my daily cycle rounds on the road around the lawn. It used to be grey tar, green grass and a spray of other colours on the flower beds.

I learnt that they are called flower beds, and that when the flowers dry the mali will preserve the seeds so sow them next year so that lovely flowers bloom again. I also learnt about flower buds, leaves and stems. And about myriad other words related to flowers….bouquets, garlands…

I also learnt the names of different birds including the hoopoe, while these feathered ones settled for a splash on the puddles of water in the lawn. I learnt the scent of freshly cut grass… and of wet earth.

Unlike many kids nowadays I never had bird or flower picture books. I had them performing live for me. I could see a bunch of flowers budding and blooming, the bees and grasshoppers flitting over the flower beds and the grass greening with the splashes of water from the fat hose pipe.

I wonder if my children will ever know what freshly cut grass smells like….if they’ll ever have the patience and opportunity to monitor the growth of a hollyhocks stalk and wait for it to flower……..


  1. Nice reflections...

  2. dont worry
    am sure ur kids and ur pets will get all opportunity to enjoy all that u did

    they better enjoy
    or mommy will .........

    prize for guessing

  3. :-|.........kya matlab..

    kuchh bhi haan

  4. you are nature girl only...i also saw hoopoe wlaking around in strange places today.. funny fellow.

  5. highly funny.... it is the funniest quirkiest bird i hv ever seen....

  6. Nice post anamika.....so very nostalgic.....u sud put a snap of u on that electric blue bicycle of urs too..

    and i am cent % sure ur kids wud also enjoy all these delicate moments in life...let's be optimistic that some things will never change....

  7. Very nice photo with
    good depth of field...
    anamika u r a good photographer too

  8. oh my god no no...I DID NOT TAKE THAT SNAP!!!...its downloaded from the net because i did not have scanned images of my childhood at that time....no credits to me for the snap except fot he fact that i downloaded it.

  9. nice downloading skills
    nice post
    hey.. i had to type 'rsmpoaf' in the worg-verification window..
    sounds like a food item no?

  10. word-verification (...oops)
    anyway 'xvzit' ths time

  11. so when is the "nexvizit"......

  12. anamika,
    u sound EXACTLY like my frnd anu.
    and guess what?
    she too is from delhi.
    she too is an architect.
    and she is one of my beeeeeeeeeest frnd :)
