Monday, May 1, 2006

Mid Summer Night Wars

Evening power cut time is perhaps the liveliest time in my corridor. Immediatey after the shouts of protests and despair the chairs are pulled out. Everyone settles with their phones and water. Then begins mosquito madness.

The quiet of the night is pierced by the faint yet shrill drone of the tiny wings. The peaceful mind is disturbed by the slight itch here and there. No amount of repellents help, the cream wears off in some time. Neither does flapping clothes or waving ones arms. The

There is feeling of vengeance and hopelessness at the same time. Part sleepy and part overworked souls versus the miniscule blood sucking creatures, is a fantastic war to watch, at a distance of course. Some like to just keep them away and some retaliate with the vigour of a patriotic soldier….fight till death…err sleep. However all in vain, the mosquitoes prevail and bite to their insignificant-micro-hearts content.

The hours are endured with the hope that the battle would end in victory. There would be electricity and small red/orange/green lights would begin glowing at the sockets. The faint fragrance of repellants would fill the room and spread to each corner like shown in the ads. Spreading like a mist and taking mosquito's on the way.

Aaah……triumph against the torture of the arthropods………

Till then swat away like a valiant soldier……..


  1. same things happen everywhere,
    nice post:)
    Keep it up

  2. he he ......anamika how abt training an army of lizards to keep ur room free from mosquitoes?
    and gues what i ve to type for word verification....."njlbums"...ha ha

  3. similarities between

    khoon chuus lete hai

  4. good u write next post bout Late Thesis Time Wars..........:-D

  5. i like the font variations...
    like you getting 'angry' and calming down
    (angry over mosquitoes)
